About Us
Choose Kindness PG is a non-profit organization that promotes a culture of kindness in our community. We believe in the need for and the power of kindness! We work hand in hand with the city, businesses, and every school in Pleasant Grove through their Choose Kindness programs to create awareness, education, and opportunities to spread intentional kindness every day. We also share this message at community events, an annual Choose Kindness month, on social media, and our website. It is our goal to touch every member of our community in one way or another with kindness.

Mission Statement
To inspire and foster Kindness in Pleasant Grove

Vision Statement

To generate and inspire kindness through the unified and combined efforts of Pleasant Grove’s schools, businesses, city, and community.
Board Members

Eric Jensen
Pleasant Grove
City Council

Jen Lyman

Rebecca Cardon

Sara Allen
Kindness Month/
Community Connection

Ruth Horsley

Charlene Day
Community Team
Linda Duncombe
High School Liaison
Brook Burns
Kindness Month
Alisha Doman
Service Coordinator
Lynnece Barlow
Lynn Gines
Julie Taggart
Photography, Videography
Tara Parkinson
Morgan Shelley
Paul Reynolds